As a printmaker my favourite processes are collagraphs, lino and etchings.I was brought up by the sea in Sussex and Hampshire which have inspired me to create impressions of landscape, plant life and abstract forms.The use of colour is important to me and I like to layer the colours in my collagraphs, sometimes developing collages of mixed media to add depth and interest to my prints.In contrast I like the simple lines and shapes that can be achieved with lino.I generally produce small variable editions. In 2014 I took up wood engraving which is a meticulous printmaking technique and generally produces black and white images. It requires discipline and a lot of patience and good eyesight to work with the tools but I have been happy with the results and plan to do many more prints. I became an elected member of the Wood Engraving Society in 2022. In 2023 one of my wood engravings was accepted at the Royal Academy of Art in the summer exhibition. Background
I studied printmaking at the London College of Communication in 2001 and have exhibited at a number ofgalleries in London.I am a member of East London Printmakers where I have been involved in many group shows. I teach collagraph printmaking as well as collagraph using recycled packaging several times a year at the ELP studio in Hackney - see here for full details of my course this year.